Ways to Support

October 1, 2020

“Now there are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit…” 1 Corinthians 12:4

Dear friends,

Working with early Christian communities, St. Paul saw that every congregation was a unique, living Body of Christ, whose members the Holy Spirit had brought together, and whose gifts equipped them for the ministries they shared.

God is eternally faithful, and the same holds true at Emmanuel today. In the Vestry and other leaders, God blessed Emmanuel with the gifts we needed to meet the many challenges that the Covid-19 crisis has brought to date. Look around: you will see them sharing their gifts whenever we gather!

Covid-19 losses, including the suspension of Emmanuel Day School, have left a serious financial deficit. Only God knows what other challenges 2020 and 2021 will bring! But we trust in God’s gracious provision—a trust expressed in our pledge campaign theme, Forward Together: Celebrating Our Gifts.

Along with a pledge card, we have enclosed a Spiritual Gifts Inventory. It is a tool to identify the unique set of qualities that God has blessed you with. Please complete the inventory, total up the scores, and note the three qualities that scored highest on the reverse of the pledge card. The Stewardship Committee will help each of us interpret the results in November.

On October 25, “Celebration Sunday,” our pledge cards will be placed on the altar and blessed at the Eucharist. This is a symbol that we offer our whole selves—time, treasure, and talent—to God. We will honor and celebrate the gifts that the Holy Spirit is bringing together in this Body of Christ for the work that lies ahead.

Also enclosed is FAQ sheet about pledging that should answer the most common questions, with a form that lists pledges by percentage at different income levels. Please reach out to our Assistant Treasurer, Valerie Martin, at vam712@aol.com or 401/662-7453, with any other questions you may have.

Please prayerfully consider your financial pledge and give very generously, even sacrificially, to fund our common life and ministry at Emmanuel in 2021.

Yours faithfully,

Debbie Venancio, Senior Warden

The Rev. Della Wager Wells, Rector


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