Sunday Servers

Adult Choir

The Emmanuel Choir is the principle vocal ensemble of Emmanuel Church and sings on Sundays at 10 a.m. from September to June. Led by the organist and choirmaster, the choir presents anthems that span the history of music and a variety of musical styles. During the summer months, we have a “pick-up” choir, for anyone who wants to sing on Sunday mornings.  The organist leads a practice for the hymns at 9:00 am.

New members are always welcome! Rehearsals are held weekly and on Sundays the choir gathers at 9 a.m. for a brief pre-service rehearsal. Prior training and the ability to read music are desirable but not required. Please contact the church office if you are interested in singing with us.

Altar Guild

Members of the Altar Guild are responsible for the care of the vessels, candles, linens, hangings, vestments and decorations for the Holy Eucharist, weddings, funerals and other special occasions. They assist the clergy and acolytes in preparing for all liturgical occasions in the church and All Saints Chapel. Please contact the Parish office for more information about joining the Altar Guild.

Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors

Eucharistic Ministers are lay people who administer the chalice of wine during communion. Eucharistic Ministers are licensed by the diocese and serve beside the rector during the Eucharist. Eucharistic Visitors are lay people who take the consecrated communion bread to members and friends of the parish who are homebound. Please contact the Rector and for more information about being a Eucharistic Minister/Visitor.

Lectors & Intercessors

Lectors read the designated scripture from the lectern in both the church and All Saints Chapel. Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People during worship. A monthly ministry service schedule is prepared. For more information about these programs please contact the Rector .


The Ushers and Greeters welcome newcomers and parishioners to services and special functions. They answer questions about Emmanuel re: services, activities, etc. They check the pews before and after services for neatness and to replace envelopes and information flyers where needed. Please contact the Parish office for more information about joining this ministry.


Acolytes serve God and the Church, and the clergy in worship. They assist with all worship services, carrying the cross, carrying torches, and serving at the Eucharist. New acolytes age 9 and up are welcome.

Church Saves Lives - Panel Discussion and Potluck - October 23rd @ 6:30 p.m.Click Here for Details