

Our stewardship theme this year is “Rooted in Abundance,” which calls to mind our hydroponics project and our new community garden.  Like plants, we need sustenance in order to thrive and grow.  Emmanuel Church gives us spiritual food, fellowship of this congregation, enjoyment of splendid music at worship, opportunities to serve our neighbors, and a place in the global Anglican communion.  Emmanuel Church needs sustenance from us in the forms of time, talent, and financial support.

A pledge is the annual commitment of a member of Emmanuel Church for a certain amount of financial support.

It signifies that the donor really cares about our spiritual home and agrees to support our church.

“Why is it important to pledge?  I make donations anyway.”  All donations are needed and greatly appreciated.  Pledges are critical:  they provide financial guidance to the Treasurer and Vestry for making the coming year’s budget to support our ministries and operations.

How can I pay my pledge?”  There are many ways!  One can make weekly donations at the offering during the service.  We have on-line payment through Venmo.  A pledge can be paid in one installment.  Highly appreciated stock can be transferred to the church as a gift.  There may be other tax-advantaged procedures as well.

“How much should I pledge?”  Emmanuel Church welcomes all donations, large and small  The amount given is truly between the parishioner and his or her conscience.  Nevertheless, it is hoped that each parishioner’s gift is meaningful to him or her, as it will be to Emmanuel Church.

“How do I send you my pledge information?” Click HERE for a 2024 Pledge Card that you can fill in and either email back to the Assistant Treasurer (, mail to the church (42 Dearborn Street, Newport, RI 02840), or drop off at the church during business hours.  If you have signed up for access to your account on Realm, you can make your pledge directly on that platform.  Kindly return your pledge information before October 27, 2023.

Emmanuel Church is very grateful for your gift.