Wedding Music at Emmanuel
Wedding music is an important part of any wedding. Emmanuel’s wedding administrator Randy Elkins is also an accomplished church musician ( or 401-246-7242).
He will advise you on music that will suit your wedding.
Prelude Music
Prelude music is selected by the organist and includes lighter classical music like these pieces.
Arioso by Bach
Flute Clocks – Haydn
Psalm 19 by Marcello
Processional/Recessional Music
Processional and Recessional Music is often interchangeable and these are some suggestions. Others, such as the wedding marches by Wagner and Mendelssohn also work exceptionally well on our organ.
Bridal Fanfare by Barkus
Festive Trumpet Tune by D. German
Prince of Denmark’s March by Clarke
Psalm 19 by Marcello
Trumpet Tune in D by Johnson
Trumpet Tune in D by Swann
Tuba Tune in D by CS Lang
Voluntary in D by Stanley