Emmanuel Church

Pentecost 3 – The Rev. Canon Mary June Nestler – June 21, 2020

Mary June NesterWe have a guest preacher, the Rev. Canon Mary June Nestler, Course Director of St. George’s College in Jerusalem. Mary June will take us on a virtual pilgrimage in Jerusalem as she preaches from Sunday’s reading from the Prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah, sometimes referred to as the “weeping prophet,” was active over the reigns of five kings, until the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of Solomon’s Temple in 587 BCE.




Today we celebrate Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day. Juneteenth commemorates the day when slavery officially ended in the US: June 19, 1865. President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, but until the surrender of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in 1865, the proclamation didn’t take effect. Even then, some plantation owners waited until after the harvest to comply.
This celebration takes on special meaning for us this year in COVID time, as we grow in our understanding of the pandemic of systemic racism, and of our place in that system that we didn’t create, but that we all were born into and participate in — like it or not. As removed as we are in New England from the plantations where enslaved persons worked, our public buildings, great universities, and most beautiful cities were founded on wealth built from human enslavement. We are all part of this system.

Bell Ringing to End

The churches of Newport have rung their bells in solidarity at noon on Fridays for these many weeks of COVID time, and Ellen Vadney has faithfully rung our bell at Emmanuel. As we have begun the phased opening of Rhode Island, the Friday bell ringing will stop for the time being, although the churches will ring their bells at noon today in celebration of Juneteenth.


Keep watch for a newsletter in these next days, with more detailed news about our church office changes, reopening plans, and vestry news. I understand that Emmanuel has not had a periodic newsletter in the past, but in this time when we all need to hear news of our community to stay connected, we are going to try to reach out to those who are not able to be part of our Family Meeting after Morning Prayer. Let me know your suggestions for a name for the newsletter!

Happy Father’s Day

And happy Father’s Day to all those, regardless of gender or actual biological relationship, who love and serve as fathers.
Swing into Spring with the Larry Brown Swinglane Orchestra - Pentecost Sunday - May 19th, 2024 - 7:30 - 10:00 pm - Tickets $25 Click Here For Tickets!