Author Archive: Liz McCarthy

Community Bridge Project

The Community Bridge, our much-needed ADA access ramp into the Narthex. We invite you help build the Community Bridge, helping Emmanuel to open its doors even wider to the whole community.

At Emmanuel, we are reclaiming our founder, Natalie Bayard Brown’s, vision of a community center open to all people from all places in all seasons. We can express our hospitality and welcome by providing universal access, so that everyone comes in the same door the same way, whether on two feet or with a cane, crutches, a walker, or a wheelchair, for Soup’s On, Newport Classical Chamber Series concerts, worship, or community meetings and events.

With the design and drawing (link to PDF of drawing) help from Salve …

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Soup’s On Dinners

Emmanuel serves a FREE community dinner, Soup’s On, the first Tuesday of the every month.

This summer that’s June 4,  July 2,  and August 6!

All are welcome at Emmanuel , dinner served 5:00 to 6:00 pm.

Please join us!…

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