Becoming What We Pray
I have really been looking forward to our Blessing of the Animals at Emmanuel Church today. The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi is one of my very favorite feast days in our church year. First — this will come as a surprise to absolutely none of you — I really love animals. You’ve all met Buoy, Emmanuel’s Assistant Rector for pastoral support and comfort. Her playful, good-natured, fetching — even racy (or maybe that’s racing) — temperament brings joy to everyone she meets, except maybe Jim and Nina Kaull’s hound Harry, who does not enjoy Buoy’s favorite game of trying to get him to chase her around the church yard to get his chewy bone back.
The second reason I love the Feast of St. Francis is St. Francis’s teachings and prayers. St. Francis is remembered to have lived and taught peace and reconciliation, both among human beings and in the natural world — a holistic kind of unity that honors our incarnate world as God’s own creation. When we celebrate the eucharist this morning, we will use Eucharistic Prayer C, as we have all through these days after Pentecost, when we remember our holy connection to each other and the natural world, as well as our power to protect each other and our environment. Theologians and religious leaders often say, We become what we pray. And that’s what prayer is: our very best hopes and intentions for each other and for the world, that we repeat and repeat — until we become who we pray God will make us. Listen with new ears to our prayers today if you can, and see if you hear your voice — our voices together — saying who and whose we are — God’s beloved children — and what that means as we walk through our days in God’s world.
Blessing of the Animals
Why do we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi with a Blessing of the Animals? St. Francis is remembered for, among other things, his dedication to preaching the gospel. It is said that he preached to the birds of the air, and they listened to him, and that he once convinced a wolf that was terrorizing a village not to hurt people or livestock any more, but to wait peaceably and patiently for the villagers to feed him. The wolf lived out his days, the story goes, cared for and beloved by the villagers.
Our pets bring out our gentlest selves — our tender, patient, loving sides. Their trust, loyalty, and affection reminds us of our very best parts. We come together to notice and bless these holy responses and our relationships with our pets that inspire them, helping us to walk in love in God’s creation. As we read from Job this morning, human beings can learn a lot from animals about connection to God. But with our God-given memory, reason, and skill, we convince ourselves that we can figure it all out on our own. We’ve advanced so much with our learning, science, and individual computer capacity that it’s easy for us to imagine that we can somehow out-think our need for faith. And yet that confidence in our own reason — I’m talking about myself here — vanishes in those feelings of deep connection to those we love — human and furry, feathered, scaly, finny, and even humped like my beloved camel friend, Kojak, in Jerusalem.
These are the feelings we often cannot name, but that cause us to search for a lost kitten, grieve in advance the final illness of a sick dog, and melt at the core when we see improbable companionship among animals or children. Does anyone out there like the cat and dog videos on Facebook? I’ll ‘fess up — I really believe that Facebook is FOR photos of grandchildren, garden harvests, and dog and cat videos. I can watch these things for hours, and I know I’m always better for it — the kitten that terrifies a brace of Golden Retrievers, the dog that feeds swans in a pond in a park, the fawn and the cow that become best friends. And maybe my favorite — the duck that curls up with the dog it has befriended. My grandmother used to exclaim, in astonishment and amusement at odd things, Lord, love a duck! And I always think of her love for the natural world when I see these wonderful videos. These connections — and these creatures — are the marvels we read about in Job: God asks Job,
Do you know when the mountain goats give birth?
Do you observe the calving of the deer?
Do you know their gestation period
like you know the 9 months it took for your own making?
Do you know the time when they give birth,
when they crouch to give birth to their offspring,
and are delivered of their young?
No, we have to say, if we’re being candid with ourselves. We aren’t usually tuned into these things. And that is the beauty of this connection that we can see through St. Francis’s holistic theology and love of the natural world. It’s commonly said that St. Francis sent his brothers out with the instruction to preach the gospel at all times, if necessary using words. While this particular quotation is not actually found among St. Francis’s writings, the idea is still consistent with his commitment to walk in love as Christ loved us.
We remember St. Francis’s example today, knowing that we preach the gospel in everything we do, just as much as in what we say. AND we hear and see the gospel preached in the connections we feel to our pets and the blessings they bring us. We bless and give thanks for our pets, who remind us not only of our kinship with all creatures, but of our very best, kindest, and most tender selves as we care for them. We are connected in God through the Holy Spirit — with each other and all of creation. And we repeat our prayers to become what we pray — gentle, loving, kind, joyful, patient, faithful, and good, walking through the natural world as God showed us in Jesus. Amen