3rd Annual Creation Care Conference

October 5, 2024 at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Providence from 9 am to noon.

Doors open at 8:30 with refreshments. The Conference will start at 9 am with worship. The Rev. Amy Brooks, US Coordinator of GreenFaith, will be our speaker.

Rev. Amy Brooks Paradise is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister serving as the US Coordinator with GreenFaith. Rev. Amy’s connection to the Earth has roots in the farms of Western Pennsylvania but it was not until she did the Fellowship program with GreenFaith that she dreamed of making it the primary focus of her ministry. Moved by the urgency of this moment and the deep need for healing among people and with the Earth, she is humbled by the opportunity to work with people who are moved by their own longing for a more just, equitable and sustainable world for future generations. Rev. Brooks Paradise lives in Charlotte, NC with her partner, daughter and two dogs where she enjoys being outdoors as much as possible. She also has a special spot in her heart for the Episcopal Church as her father was a Deacon.

Register:  https://tinyurl.com/rhode-island-creation-care

Categories: Announcements