Stewardship and Pledging – FAQs

Stewardship and Pledging Frequently Asked Questions


What is Stewardship?

In the biblical view Stewardship means faithfully managing all of the resources that God has entrusted to us and using them for the glory and betterment of God’s creation.  At Emmanuel Church, we believe that good stewardship is central to our spiritual journey and to our relationship with God and our community.


What is a pledge?

Pledging is a response to God’s call to good stewardship.  It is a statement of thanksgiving for the abundance in our own lives.   A pledge is a commitment to make a specific monetary donation to the church—either weekly, monthly, or all at once in any year—which allows the lay leadership to determine a budget for the coming year.


Why do we need annual pledges?

Annual pledges are essential to fund everything we do and are at Emmanuel Church: paying clergy and staff, maintaining our beautiful church, and supporting our worship, ministries, and all of our activities. The Vestry cannot budget responsibly properly for the year’s expenses without sufficient pledged commitments.


Who should make a pledge?

Anyone and everyone! In particular, YOU should make a pledge to Emmanuel Church!


How much should I pledge?

We ask each parishioner to consider making a pledge that is both responsible and significant based on his or her financial situation. A tithe (10% of your income) has long been the standard for Christian giving. For most the tithe is a goal to be reached through incremental increases each year.  At Emmanuel Church, every pledge, no matter what amount, makes a valuable contribution to our mission and ministry.


How do I fulfill it?

A pledge is simply a promise to pay. You may fulfill your pledge in as many payments as you wish throughout the year. When you complete your pledge card please select your preferred giving options.

What are the ways I can pay my pledge?
You may pay your pledge by check or cash (in a pledge envelope, so that it is applied to your pledge).  We encourage our pledgers to set up automatic payment directly from their bank account to the church either weekly or monthly.  Many banks make these direct transfers or online check payments without any cost to the account holder as a customer benefit.  The other on-line payment option is Vanco, for which you can sign up through the Donation link on the Emmanuel website.   Vanco does charge the church a transaction fee: 2% of each gift.  We ask those who use Vanco for payment of your pledge to consider increasing your payment by 2% to cover the Church’s transaction cost so that all of your pledge can be used for our lives together at Emmanuel.


Donations of stock may be applied to your pledge; let us know in advance for the proper crediting.  Call the office for more information on giving options including Donor Advised Gifts and more.

For people over 72, Required Minimum Disbursements from IRAs may be directed to the church tax free.  Consult your IRA account manager.

What happens if I cannot give as much as I pledged?
While your pledge is a commitment to your church and your fellow parishioners, it is not legally binding. If your circumstances change, you may notify the church that you need to change your pledge.  If you are blessed with unexpected extra income, you are always welcome to increase your pledge as well!

Is my pledge confidential?
Emmanuel Church and our volunteers keep pledges strictly confidential. Only the Parish Bookkeeper, Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer, and Rector have access to the pledge information.

*  Adapted with permission from The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Tequesta, Florida

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